Have you ever thought about time?
The time that you have between your hands, the time that already passed, the time that the future has… the time you have lost, gained or that time that you once had, loved or did something special for yourself or someone else! TIME!
When people think about time, most of them think that the day has 24 hours and each hour consists of 60 minutes, & those 60 minutes are irreversible, so the day, hour, minute, the second or the nanosecond that passes is not ever going to reoccur. And although many scientists agree on the fact that time is infinite & everlasting, how is it that we run out of time!?
“Time is a created thing. To say “I don’t have time” is to say “I don’t want to”.”
- Lao Tzu -
What is time? The general view of physicists is that time started at a specific point about 13.8 billion years ago with the Big Bang (like a rapidly expanding balloon, it swelled from a size smaller than an electron to nearly its current size within a tiny fraction of a second.). And yet not everyone agrees on that, Stephen Hawkins believes that time began even before the big bang, and then after it (the Big Bang) the universe started to expand, and all the galaxies moved further and further away from each other. Now, we have 2 schools of thought about time… general relativity and quantum mechanics… they both have a conflict with each other… the conflict is quantum mechanics regards the flow of time as universal and absolute, whereas general relativity regards the flow of time as easily influenced and relative. This problem raises the question of what time really is in a physical sense and whether it is truly a real distinct phenomenon? Another problem is the question of why time seems to flow in a single direction (forward and not backwards)?
Now, for me and for the simplicity of the life that I believe in… How can we run out of time if it’s infinite? And how do people say timing is everything? Why people in general are so focused about the time and not the moment? Why do we sit around and look at the clock even when we have nothing? And really… how can people think about “when is the best time to do something or say something or feel something” when they have NOW! questions… questions… questions… I have infinite questions…
Well… if things are to me, and I am not a scientist or a physicist, I would tell you: “cease the day, cease the moment, now is the time, there isn’t the right moment or the right time, because we can not reverse time”… we don’t have Dr Strange (Marvel’s hero) running our life, and usually when you want to recreate a moment or a “timing” it is never the same… because in each moment (time) you are a different person, you are experiencing a special feeling, thought, and sometimes a different mindset… so why wait?!
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself”
- Andy Warhol -
Be present, feel your emotions… know all of them… feel your feelings… be aware of your thoughts… and when you are with people, especially if you are with your loved one, or your family PLEASE, do your best to be THERE, FULLY THERE… PRESENT AND IN THE NOW… this time is invested & not only spent… so invest wisely & with love… Yes! Time is infinite however we are not! We might not ever meet again… we might never talk again… we might travel… we might become different or strangers… we might go into the next life (die)… so make it counts, make it special… stop doubting yourself and your feelings and your emotions. If you are scared to lose that special someone because of your thoughts or your feelings and you think keeping them in is better… guess what! You will lose that person because you did not say anything, or do anything and that’s on you! And if you lose them because you spoke up, then you know what! You actually gained time, because you did not waste time guessing what would to happen! Plus if that person won’t understand or respect how you feel.. then “to hell with them” who needs people who have no compassion, understanding and love!
“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it”
– Stephen R. Covey -
So my advise to all of you… the time is now!
I cannot guarantee tomorrow for anyone not even myself, so I focus on my blessings every morning, and I remind myself that I am grateful that I have now, that I can feel, I can taste, I can smell and I am able to laugh… That I have this moment… and although I am becoming more patient every day, it is important for me to listen to my inner-self and communicate properly with myself and my surroundings. Hope that pushes you out of your comfort zone and helps you reach further in life…
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”
– Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace -
Continue having an ever evolving day!