Mask on Vs. Flexible
In life there are many types of people, the real vs. the fake, the kind vs. the unkind, the compassionate vs the inconsiderate… and there are the people who are flexible vs the people who put on masks to get what they want… and many other types of people.
Some may be 2 faced, while others may have many faces (use the right mask at a specific time to get what they want), and others are just too real and are unable to put any mask on even if they really want to and even if someone teaches them, they are still unable to have any mask on! People might think that having the ability to put masks on when you want to is a necessity these days… but I am here to tell you, it’s not.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”
- Gandhi -
What is really necessary is to be Flexible…
Now I would understand that some of you might question… what is the difference?… well, the difference is in using the term, using the word… as I have explained before, that words have energies… and everything we are made of is energy, and everything around us is also energy or has energy flowing inside of it… and your body & mind are receptive to these energies more than you could ever think…
"Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world."
-Lawrence G. Lovasik -
Being Flexible is a characteristic of being REAL, however putting your mask on (or a different mask everytime you need one) is a characteristic of being FAKE. With being Flexible, the energy states that you are in is real, you are observing without judgement, you are acting instead of reacting to situations, you are present & in the moment so you notice more & are able to recall even better, you are familiar with your boundaries and you respect everyones’ boundaries as well. The energy that flows from you is easy, smooth and without resistance, because you are adaptable & you know & respect your limitation, you trust yourself (your body & mind & heart) and yourself trusts you back, so your energy is high… and you attract easily what you want and what you think of, and you already trust the process & trust that everything happens for a good reason…
On the other hand, wishing or wanting to be able to put on masks to get what you want, has a low energy vibration, as when you want something badly and in need for a mask (rather than being yourself) to get it has the state of (lacking) not having or even needing… and the more you need something, the more resistance you create as there is no natural flow… so even if you are a master in putting masks on, people would still not like you as much or sometimes they would feel something odd about you. Even if you get what you want, it won’t last for long, or when you receive it; and there will be resistance or some hiccups would come along the way… or you might need to work for it for so long to have it and then you’d be drained, and might not be as enthusiastic about it as you wanted or hoped for… and that is because it is derived from a lower vibration energy state.
"Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs."
- Pearl Strachan Hurd -
Now I explained this because I want you to be more aware next time you are talking to yourself, or to your friend when you are working towards a goal or anything you would like to have or increase in your life or even keep… think of the word you are using and the state that you are creating for yourself… say “I am flexible” instead of “Let’s have our mask on”… have peace, be present, listen with understanding, compassion & love… be Yourself and speak up when you feel someone is crossing your boundaries… it shows your character, and it won’t affect the thing that you want… because you will get what is meant to happen for you and who is going to be in your life… and also, remember not all people who wear masks on are fake, some are just not aware that there is another state called flexible…. So RELAX and TRUST the process… God created us to be flexible, mentally & physically… so let’s think this way
"Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble."
- Yehuda Berg -
For now I am sharing with you some words & thoughts you can say…
I am whole & complete
I am strong
I am capable of anything
I am growing even more each day
I am committed
I am determined
I am living with abundance & love
I am worthy
I am enough
I am making a difference
I am grateful for all the blessings in my life
I am seeking truth, clarity and knowledge
I can do this
I am doing better & better every day
Continue having a very blessed day!