MAGIC… is the order of chaos


“Magic is organizing Chaos. And while oceans of mystery remain, we have deduced that this requires 2 things… Balance & Control without them Chaos will kill you'“
- The Witcher, Tissaia de Vries -

There are times when we feel that chaos is all what’s there for you… you feel off balance… and you feel that your chest is closing in on you… as much as you try to filter your thoughts and feelings… today your inner-self decides to feel all that there is… Listen to it, and feel all you need to feel… because without the darkness you wouldn’t get to the light

When it comes to your inner self it’s good to be patient and loving… compassionate as well… it’s good to understand that the more you go through your journey of growth and healing the more insecurities and hidden traumas will surface… so it’s okay for this turbulence to come… that’s how your unconscious mind; your inner being, is communicating with you, telling you in order for you to be even more you need to go deeper even further so you are ready for when things finally come together…

There is a saying about life that I love, it goes like, “Life is not doing to you it’s actually doing things for you”… which means that everything that life gives us it’s because it wants to prepare us for a brighter life, or makes us even stronger or even more wiser… and if things take time let it; so when it’s time for it to happen you are ready… and that’s the Magic itself

So how are Balance & Control important, and that without them chaos will exist or it will kill us?… and how can we control when we are learning to live, trust and let go of controlling life?… well the answer is within us… yes! We need to find balance within us… so when you love another, love them Unconditionally and also love yourself first unconditionally so you know your boundaries & know when to communicate them, set them & respect them… If you are a giver you should have the intention to be a receiver as well, so life will give you when you are open to receiving, let the energy be reciprocated… When you listen, listen carefully with love and compassion, no judgment at all, if your judging then you are not defining the purpose of listening… compassion will allow you to feel what is being said between the words and beyond the body language so find balance within you so you can understand even more and see even more beyond… have peace, patience and kindness.

When it comes to Control… you need to control your emotions, your chaos, your internal tornadoes, your reactions, and most importantly your thoughts… control what’s within you, and trust the journey that is outside of you… you need to understand that you are the masters of how you feel… and that no one can make you feel anything other than yourself and your thoughts…. remember that the action of any person comes from their filters, their experience, their wants and needs, their thoughts and their inside… so no one is doing anything to you… every one is doing what they think is best for themselves…. that’s why Control what’s within you and trust the journey… so your are open to life & its possibilities

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.”
- J.K. Rowling -

So when you put your balance and control in order and you learn more about yourself and dig deeper and heal and process and unlearn old patterns and learn more about your potential & what you are made of then that’s the Real Magic… the Magic is in us… learn to control yourself and balance what’s inside of you so you can unleash your magic

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -


Mirrors, Reflections & Projections

