Mirrors, Reflections & Projections

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Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and saw yourself… saw your true self… saw yourself from the inside… with all what you are… all who you are… all what made you now??

Becoming an even better version of yourself everyday with every thought, every word you think or say, and in every effort is beautiful & rewarding… but sometimes it gets hard, it hurts, it burns and stings… sometimes the feeling of suffocation gets to you as you are looking inside, and you might feel that everything around you is getting shattered into small pieces… and as you imagine that thought something else emerges from it, so you look at the tiny pieces & you realise how small they are when you come to compare it to the world & life… and that thought alone calms your mind, you feel safe again as all these small pieces come together & everything goes back to it’s place (rewind), and your breathing is back to normal, & your heart regulates & your body relaxes… and you remember that everything you need is inside of you…

The more healing you do, the more aware you become in noticing your insecurities & challenges & the more you take better care of your mindset and your body. Yes your body remembers & feels… that’s why when you say “my heart is broken” you feel this way & on the long run you could die from heartache (heart attack cause by sadness or anger), when you think of death suddenly breathing becomes harder, when you feel afraid your gut hurts and a feeling of tension is created… it happens because your body remembers, it remembers everything you went through, from joy & love to sadness, anger, hurt, fear and every other feeling that is triggered by a memory (thought), and some of these thoughts or memories we do not even remember…

During the weekend, I saw a friend, a mental health specialist (a healer) like me, and as soon as she asked me how are you… I said “I feel anger inside, I feel drained”… and she said the same… each one of us is feeling that anger because of a trigger (yes we are healers but we also still feel, the difference is that we notice & we don’t react), so we sat & talked it through, helped each other in feeling understood and it felt amazing, to have someone speaking your language, listening without judgment, someone you feel safe around… it feels light and beautiful… and when you notice that feeling & thought everything around you suddenly becomes smooth, flowing peacefully and the resistance you had is gone…

I never thought that I would use math for an analogy but now I understand the importance of math…they teach us math so we know how to solve problems, how to disassociate ourselves so we can see the negatives & positives & to to be able to create factors & solve equations… Life is like this… it’s when your cup is full you see & reflect fullness (you are enough)… when you are outside the cup you can look at it from a distance & not have the charge, that trigger, that pushes you to the edge, it’s when you are mirroring what you are from the inside on to the outside… basically reciprocating your inner side of the equation on to the other side of the equation, whatever your X on your side it will be on the other side…

I think of myself as love, gratitude & magic, but lately I have been feeling resistance, and I swear I could spot it on people that are close to me… so I decided to dig deeper & I found that I am the one who is resisting and that’s why I can spot it on people around me.. I trust but I lack safety… and I do have my reasons to not feel safe, because in my head I have my own reality, my own story of why I am lacking it… and of course at the beginning I did not notice that I am causing it, I realised it when I was coaching someone & explaining “Perception is projection” and then the next day when I saw my friend and she said: “You radiate love, and your gratitude is filling the space you are in, and that’s why your magic heals… but Nalo there are other energies that you have to also feel & be… there are safety, ease, abundance, acceptance, appreciation…” and at that moment I knew that the universe is communicating and that I should listen… Yes! I have been neglecting to fill myself with these other positive energies… Yes I live my life with acceptance, but sometimes I can feel the uneasiness, yes I trust myself & the people around me but sometimes I am expecting so things are flowing slow & such creating some kind of resistance… I am thankful but I am kind of omitting to show my appreciation to others when I feel it because sometimes I am so caught up with the feelings inside that I keep it all to myself or I am not fully present. The journey of healing & growing does need a lot of discipline, practice, awareness & kindness, and it’s in moments like these when you realise how you are improving & changing that makes it worth while… it’s when you know the magic you have inside is true & powerful, that you attract what you think of, you reflect what you feel inside into your world, and the energy you are today is felt by people around you… this is why healing takes time & this is why you and only you that is responsible for your life, growth, change, happiness & more.

Two and half years ago me would not be reflecting on her life like the way I am doing now… I am proud of myself… And I want you to know that you are not alone, we all have our struggles, our demons, our challenges, our good days & not so good days, our lazy days, our “I am not motivated days”… healing & cleansing your energy & traumas does not mean that you wont feel anymore, it means that you feel & understand even more, what changed is what you are doing about the feelings you are having & experiencing… it means that you are becoming more conscious of who you truly are… you are healing, and doing the best that you can everyday, you reading this means that you are on your own journey of healing too, therefore know that I am with you, I feel you and I understand

May you find your purpose, peace & happiness within you…


The Upside Down


MAGIC… is the order of chaos