What is LOVE? Part 2

“Tis better to be loved & lost than never to have loved at all”
- Alfred Lord Tennyson -

What is Love? We have established in the previous article that Love needs to come from within, that for anything to come out of you, you need to have it within you, experience it, live it and project it into the world. That’s why it begins with Self-Love and then it expands to Loving others… but how do you attract the person that you desire or real love? How can you stay in love & grow it even more? And are there any steps that can help in strengthening the relationship that your in?

Loving another person… and how to attract the right person & find real love? Are there steps you need to go through to find it? Well, everything in life is one step at a time, therefore; you need to identify the barriers that are limiting you from reaching love, the real love you deserve… what is that thought that you are telling yourself… is there any doubt when it comes to finding love? Do you not believe the person you want exists? Do you not believe that you deserve the person that you desire? What is it really?! What is that thought? Why are you doubting life or yourself… you know that you only attract the energy you vibrate… and also the thoughts you have impact your unconscious mind and your unconscious mind attracts what you think of… so what is it really that is limiting you?

(If you know a professional NLP Practitioner they can help you in removing them, or just contact me)

Now you removed that limiting belief or those limiting beliefs… and here you are… you found real love… you found the partner you desire… How can you grow this love even more? Well, it’s simple… cultivate curiosity, cuteness & awe & a lot of Aha! moments…do more of cute things for each other, make each other laugh for no reason and embrace your stupid moments together, it’s cute!! Keep yourself in awe at everything you know and get to meet in that partner… you already fell for his or her heart… you fell in love with their goodness… and they fell in love with your goodness… now you just need to remember that you loved them unconditionally when you first met, and you have to choose every day to love them that way. Because when you choose to love them with conditions, love won’t flow, the resistance will grow and so will noticing everything that won’t serve the relationship and your heart… that’s why in Love, in marriage or in a partnership… you have to decide and choose to love each other on a daily basis, understand each other with compassion and not with your mind… as the ego lives in the mind and not the heart… and the ego does not always know best…

“To love is to admire with the heart; to admire is to love with the mind.”
- Theophile Gautier -

Remembering to have clear communication is key… knowing how to fight is key… yes! How to fight… avoid assuming, drop your ego, and say how you feel and what you see and what you want from this… be vulnerable… be You… don’t underestimate the courage, understanding & compassion of your partner… if you are unable to communicate clearly, then wait till you calm down…. write what you want on a piece of paper… and when you are in a peaceful or a calm state communicate again… it’s okay to admit your miscommunication or lack of communication at times… remember that your partner will be eager to help you because their intention is always like yours… to make the relationship better, to be stronger together, and to be loved and understood….

Here are steps you can remind yourself with when you are in love & in a relationship:

  1. Knowing what is limiting you to attract real love to your life

  2. Cultivating curiosity & awe

  3. Authentic communication

  4. Playing fair

  5. Giving each other space & being able to be independent

  6. Letting go of whatever does not serve the growth of the love & relationship

  7. Healing instead of focusing on winning

  8. Remembering that the heart is a generous muscle

  9. Forgiving each other and reconciling

To me, number 8 is a major point to remember… remembering that the heart is a generous muscle…. 1. Your heart is a muscle, 2. It pumps blood to your whole body, 3. It loves you & all the people you care about, 4. It remembers, as it’s a muscle, so it will remember the love you have had and how much love it has had inside of it, also it remembers the pain so be gentle with it. 5. If you try to limit your heart from loving and close it, the flow of your energy, blood and life will not flow naturally….

I always say… we are creatures of Love, made out of love, from love, brought to this world to be loved & love and so we shall be loved and love in return…. love unconditionally, with all that you have… love strongly… love peacefully… love yourself first and more love will flow back into your life… remember that life gives back what you give it… so believe & love and watch the magic flow in you & outside of you

“Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”
- Franklin P. Jones -

And stayed tuned for LOVE part 3 article “Love without Expectations”… for now… Be kind to yourself & others & tune in to LOVE

Continue having a loving day…


Forgive & Let Go


What is LOVE?