Heaven & Hell…


Most of humanity believes in Heaven & Hell after death… But has anyone really thought if they do exist in our daily life…

The great poet & philosopher Shams Aldeen El-Tabrizi said: “Don't search for heaven and hell in the future. Both are now present. Whenever we manage to love without expectations, calculations, negotiations, we are indeed in heaven. Whenever we fight, hate, we are in hell.”

You are now probably asking yourself: “How can we be living in heaven and hell on a daily basis?”… The truth is we are the masters of our thoughts… and our realities… what we think of and focus on, we attract & make it happen… also the words we use affect the images and thoughts we imagine… So if you are constantly thinking positively, then you will be experiencing HEAVEN ON EARTH, and if you are always thinking of how tough and hard and unpleasant your life is and it’s just like hell, then you are creating your own hell.

“Heaven is in all of us & hell is in all of us… to be in heaven is to let go, accept, love & live… and to be in hell is to hate, burry inside, judge & resent”

Many scientists and philosophers said that the key to a happy & peaceful life is Acceptance. Acceptance allows you to be in the now, because it will teach you to be in the present and accept what you cannot change which is the past. There is also a serenity prayer to help calm the mind & the heart that has acceptance as its main ingredient, it goes like this… “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

Being in the NOW has many benefits, some of them is that it lets you be more mindful because your are present and at the moment so you notice more, improves the memory & concentration, it also reduces stress and improves your ability to deal with negative emotions and how you can process them, and allows you to know the real reason behind these feelings so you can easily let go of them once you acknowledge them.

“Life moves very fast. It rushes from Heaven to Hell in a matter of seconds.” 
― Paulo Coelho

Now tell me… Would you want to Experience Heaven & Live in Peace or Experience Hell & you might Rest in Peace?!?!

“The Power of Now”, “Letting Go”, “The science of Mindfulness” and YOGA Philosophy books & mantras


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