From one Heart to another


“There is only one happiness in the life, to love & be loved”
- George Sand -

Although you might be filled with the most amount of love, you will still feel the need to be loved back… and Love can come in any act of kindness, friendship, compassion, sometimes can be a hug or a tap on the shoulder and even sometimes can come from a simple smile or a head gesture… love is the only thing in the world that you can never have enough or give enough… love should always be overflowing

I dedicate this journal for every friend that was there in time of need, in time of sadness and struggle, in time of fears and obstacles and especially for those friends that were there to help you understand yourself and remind you that it’s okay to feel what you are feeling and to do mistakes or whatever the case is because “You are a Human” and humans make mistakes & have emotions… so here is my chance to tell all of these friends THANK YOU, you are important and you are loved….

We tend to forget to acknowledge that without them life wouldn’t have been as crazy and fun, wouldn’t have been as exciting and scary at the same time, wouldn’t have been uplifting and inspiring… real genuine friends are great to have because they will always lack judgement, which means in other words they love you as you are, and also you will reciprocate that as well… friends give each other a sense of belonging and familiarity that some don’t have at home or with their families and it’s okay, you get to choose your friends and get to choose with them what adventures you want to take the world on today; so you feel empowered by having a friend or friends…

Why do you think there is a higher rate of success between friends than partners & relationships?! Well, it’s simple… it starts by the conversations that you have, the time you invest getting to know each other… understanding each other without judging what they’ve done or what they went through… it’s because you understand that no human is perfect and you love them for their imperfections… it’s when you fall they will be the first to grab you, wipe your tears and cheer you up over and over again… and the friendship grows stronger day by day because you accept them with all their qualities; the good & the bad…

“True friends are like diamonds — bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style.”
- Nicole Richie -

To Friends… May we always be loving, may we always be understanding, may we always be adventures & partners in crime as long as we can so we shall…

Continue having a valuable friendship life,


Attachments create Resistance


It Starts with Confusion & Ends with Love