Thank You 2020

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt -

I think we all can agree that 2020 has been a different year than what we have lived so far… some people think of it as a wasted year, or as the worst year ever! While others think of it as a life changing year… for me 2020 is a very productive year, and although I have received a number of bad news, and was put in not so great situations (challenges), personally I still think that it has been a very good year for me. But, first things are first…

Different, adjective; not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality.

That being said; it doesn’t mean that it is a bad year, it means that it has been untraditional, something we haven’t seen before, life has changed in it, the norms have changed as well… people also have changed! To tell you the reality, different & change are always good, they push us to be more, to look from a different angel, to get out of our comfort zone! Yes! it has been uneasy at the beginning, and look now, look at yourself! it made you think differently, making you spot new opportunities, seek beyond what you know so you can create a better reality for yourself & your loved ones… you also might have watched videos of people that you did not know before, looked deeply within yourself… maybe you are closer to your life’s purpose or might be living it… see 2020 is good, with all the losses that we’ve lost, we still managed to gain so much more!

I am grateful for 2020, so grateful, so thankful… as I look at my life how it used to be and how it is now, how I achieved so much in a year that has been so different… I managed to push myself further, discovering who I am, seeing how my goals are being achieved… Yes! I have changed so much, I started my awakening journey in 2018, and 2020 made it more feasible for me to focus & grow even more because we were forced to be locked in our houses, so getting bored was not an option for me, wasting time was also out of the question for me… I dug deeper within myself, I filtered my thoughts.. I also filtered my friends, and every aspect in my life… I stopped caring dearly for those who do not care about me, yes I understand that they love me (in their own way) so I managed to maintain my love & respect for them in the same way.

I also witnessed some of the people I care about bringing themselves down with their thoughts & worries, making themselves ill, although I did my best to be there when they ask for me… and most importantly I took care of myself, loved myself, understood myself, rewarded myself, focused on what I want & believed in myself… Yes, some days I felt so lonely, and I cried, and in these lonely moments I learned that I do have people who have my back, who love me unconditionally, who want to help me & give me a shoulder to cry on or listen to my concerns & also uncover with me where I want to work on myself even more… I learned that I can be vulnerable & still be strong, that I can have my concerns because I am a different person now in a year that is different as well, and I am getting to know myself at a time that everyone is overwhelmed & everything is uncertain… So I had to trust myself, my gut, my intuition, my body & my inner-self, I had to become more for my own-self, to be ready for what is coming… and to tell you the truth, life has been always uncertain… so again 2020 is not so different!

“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final”

- Rainer Maria Rilke -

I look at 2020 & I feel blessed, I have great people around me from friends & business partners (Thank You), my whole family has been affected by what I do positively, and I LOVE IT! They are more aware, and more awakened… I am learning even more about the human brain, the human body, the spirits & different energies around us & how to harvest their goodness… and every time I encounter people I notice how I am listening & observing, some I learn from & some they learn from me… I am proud of myself… and I am proud of all of you, we have made it so far & we are doing the best that we can, and that is what matter at the end, doing our best in every situation & everyday…

So my friends, always believe in yourself, always know that you are capable of so much more, that you are the creator of your reality, and that you are the only one who is responsible for your peace, your self-love & self-worth and most importantly your own happiness… I have so much Love for you… shine even brighter everyday with every step you take, be mindful of your thoughts & your words, be courageous to step out of the normal & your comfort zone, and Live & Love truly & widely… if anything 2020 taught us that we never know when is our last moment on this earth, so do good & be good & remember to enjoy every moment… & let this year inspire you to live, be, love, create, enjoy, seek, & feel even more

“Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead.”
- Hans Christian Andersen -

Have an even more exciting & enjoyable year!

Love Always


What is LOVE?


The Upside Down