Action, Discipline & Intention

Here I am… sitting with my thoughts, and wondering about how life is… one day someone or something is adding more smiles to your existence and on another day you are doing all that you can to keep smiling & guard that happy state you like living in. So you monitor your thoughts, you listen to the right music, watch interesting shows, read some soul soothing words (books or quotes)… and you keep doing the best that you can… but what happens when the best that you can in a particular day isn’t enough… have you thought about that?

We like to believe that we are always in control of how we feel and what we think & be in total control of our lives and maybe sometimes control the behaviour & lives of our siblings, children or loved ones… but in reality we only have control over our thoughts, and even sometimes we fail to control them, because we do not live alone in our bodies… we have our conscious mind and our unconscious mind, and we have our heart which has a brain of its own, and we have our ego… so we are a lot in one… that’s why sometimes it becomes too much work when there is a message that one of them wants to get across to us (conscious mind)… and ofcourse there is always the Ego telling us things that might be untrue to protect itself and not necessarily to protect me or you. And that’s where everything needs to work together… you need to get aligned with yourself

  • What do you really want?

  • Is it realistic? It is measurable? Is it ecological?

  • How does that make you feel having it or working towards it?

  • Do you care about the result or the journey?

  • Will you be responsible & accountable or you’ll blame others along the way?

  • Are you willing to change your ways for things to happen? Will you have an open mind?

  • Will you trust the universe to guide you in your journey or you will let your ego meddle?

Well, for things to happen you have to really be honest with yourself, true to your mission and full of love & excitement (joy). If one of them fails to exist then things might not be smooth. You have to understand the basics of being aligned, what does that mean? It means that in order for anything in life to work you have to believe in it and in yourself… you have to love it, take an action plan and commit to doing things in the best way possible, ask for help along the way especially from experts, and align your intention… communicate with yourself “WHY do I want to do what I am doing?” What is the intention behind it? And be true with yourself… is it money? Is it safety? Status? Is it spreading help, hope or love? What is your true intention… without an intention things most probably will take tooooo long for them to work out and manifest, and without commitment & discipline you will not grow further or last, commitment to meet your deadlines, to educate yourself, to know more about your competitors or the market, or to know your partner (lover) or your child, any kind of commitment to what you want to be doing or achieving…. and without taking an action; working or doing what you want, there is no continuity, there isn’t an opportunity to do even better…. you see, practicing (action), commitment (discipline) & having an intention should all be aligned… whether you are pursuing a job, or business opportunity you want to create, or being a parent or a partner, a lover or a friend…. everything in life need these 3 things to flourish, grow and flow with an even more ease by time… if you just sit on the side and hope for things to work! Then that is a coward move… are you a coward?? Always remember, someone who is courageous & confident will take all the risks for something he believes in to happen & to make it work, let it be at work, in love or in friendship… and these things can go easily when they are avoided, mistreated, or disregarded.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
– Jim Rohn -

Beautiful things in life come to every person, to all of us, the difference is some people appreciate them & take care of them & nourish them, while other let their ego run the show and mistreat them, disregard & neglect them, ill-use & abuse them; and then they wonder why they left or things didn’t work… so next time you have something beautiful in your life, guard it, love it, take care of it, commit for it & do the extra work, it will be priceless & effortless with time… And always remember that all 3 (action, discipline & intention) need to be present for things to work in the best possible way & in the fastest way as well, these 3 will attract the right people, right opportunities & right energy to your life… all you have to do is align & believe.

“Without Action, the best Intentions in the world are nothing more than that: Intentions”
- Jordan Belfort -

Continue having a blessed day!




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