Words & Journaling

When it comes to feelings & emotions, we can get lost in them easily… they can take us places, places that we might not want to visit or places that create an even more pleasant life for us. However there are these emotions, thoughts & feelings that you decide not to share them with others because they are private, & sometimes they are scattered & unclear, but they are yours, and only yours… and OMG!! The more you keep them in, the bigger tornado they create… What can you do then?? Some might sketch… some might play music… some might meditate… some find the meanings of their thoughts in words… Yes Words!!

Words; a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

There is magic into putting your feelings, thoughts & emotions into words… first you start with words flowing out of you, without giving much thought into what is coming out, then the more you write, the more conscious you become about your words & feelings, and after that you start noticing that the intensity of the feelings, thoughts & emotions you had when you started writing is changing… in my case it becomes softer, kinder & more organised… these words help me understand what is happening in the internal world of mine… as much as I try to be aware & mindful of what thoughts to entertain & what thoughts to address & what thoughts to completely not even consider, some stay there hidden waiting inside to make a move, play around & create a dilemma & confusion for me.

Yes! Confusion.. Being a life coach, wellness coach & a Yogi does not change the fact that I am human. My healing process is on-going, my growth is constantly evolving & my feelings need to be processed… Meditation helps, but for me, there is nothing like putting my feelings & thoughts into words… Looking back at my life, ever since I was a teenager, writing & expressing how I feel inside always made me lighter & helped in grounding me… helped me address & discover more about myself. Sometimes I write a poem or even quote some song lyrics… Whatever helps me uncover what’s hidden.

As journaling is personal, sometimes you use words, sometimes you use sketching & words together… sometimes it is an abstract of feelings or thoughts… It does not matter how… What matters is that when you put your feelings on that text book or notepad, you feel understood… you are naked… you are raw… authentic… you feel & you feel & you keep feeling more, & even when you process your feelings & you find the words to describe how you are feeling now… You feel even more

The difference is when you start writing, you will be writing from a shallow state of being… the more you write the deeper you dig inside of you… and the more you notice… you start aligning your intention with your being… these words become every time closer & closer to you… they are your friends… your companions… what hold you together…

As you organise your thoughts, prioritise what is important, build a better habitat & connection for you & yourself, stay positive & identify what is negative… Remember that Journaling is not for everyone! The nature of Journaling is thinking (sometimes it’s critical thinking) about your life, your emotions, feelings & thoughts… and if you have a negative mindset, journaling might participate in making you an over-thinker… and it might be too confronting at times, so just be aware of the mindset you have & how you want journaling to heal & help you, if it’s not helping then avoid it.

"By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life."
—Jean Baptiste Girard


The SKY isn’t the LIMIT

