In my head for a bit…
As a mental health & wellness specialist, people expect & think that I do not face challenges any more, that I am always at peace & I do not experience any emotional turbulence… The truth is that I have my ups & downs, I have my not so great days, I talk to myself all the time… what keeps me going with my positivity is the mind set that I have adopted & I am living on now. And everyday I remind myself of what I want & where I see my life… I also make sure to stay surrounded by like-minded people & close friends; I have 2 specific friends that I process my thoughts, feelings & emotions out loud with… And YES! We all need people who can understand us & show us compassion to unwind with & trust, “Love & Connection” are needs that everyone has to have & have them fulfilled (met).
As mentioned before, I do get faced with challenges everyday, some are personal & some from the world we live in. And what I do is that I push through them, I push myself forward with reminding myself that “I can achieve anything I believe I can do”, “I can do anything anyone can do” , “I deserve to get what I want”, “I deserve to be happy”, “I deserve the best”, and “I can do this today and tomorrow do it a little better, and after even more better, and it takes baby steps to master anything in life” and sometimes I feel that I, my body & my soul need rest, so I take rest and enjoy it, no regrets, no guilt tripping & no unwanted thoughts… When it comes to life, life has its own challenges, although I love living in my own butterfly world, I still live & interact with people, and people have their own energies & mindsets… and what I know & sure of is that I have my mindset to protect me and help me see clearer, assist me in focusing on what I want & with choosing my words… Challenges are important in life, because without them we wouldn’t grow, we wouldn’t change, we wouldn’t evolve and we wouldn’t ascend… And with everything that is happening in the world from good news & not good news, I LOVE LIFE… I see opportunities, I see colors, I see love & I see growth, I see kindness… even when I am not having my best day, I think of all the things I am grateful for so I can fill myself up with positivity… I believe in Miracles… so I keep asking the universe to surprise me with even better news & things… and when I am not doing anything, I am meditating & manifesting… and what is great is that the universe listens… really listens… so now when I catch an unwanted thought that wants to take over, I stop it & think of what I want instead so I make sure I only manifest what I want…
I catch myself telling myself "I LOVE YOU”, “YOU ARE DOING GREAT”, “You did great! And lets next time say this instead because it has an even more beautiful/ warmer/ kinder meaning”, “I am still learning”… sometimes I send loving thoughts to my family & friends, and sometimes to people that aren’t in my circle anymore… I think of LOVE, the word LOVE itself… and how beautiful it is, how pure it is… and I fill myself with the unconditional feeling of it (love)… and every time I feel LOVE, I become more compassionate with everything around me and that feeling is beautiful… Over the past year I have trained myself to get rid of some negative words and replace them with other words that have positive vibration, and honestly it helps… it really helps with being more in peace… when I started my journey with NLP & Coaching I read all sorts of books & texts that talk about how words & thoughts affect us, but to read is way different than to LIVE & Experience… when you are living it; it is delightful and sometimes bewitching, you feel the magic within your words, your thoughts… that’s who we are… we are wizards, magicians… we have the power to create & attract what we think of…
At the end, I would like to tell you that no one will ever love you more than you… Love yourself deep, good, compassionately, with kindness and have a lot of gratitude for everything that you have been through so far, because it got you here today… where you want to become an even more for yourself, and even better version of yourself & go further in life… Lots of love for you and for me :)
Continue having a very nice day!